Ayurvedic Properties of Castor Oil That Make it a Miracle Oil

Mud, aromatic flowers, plant extracts, seeds, herbs, essential and other miracle oils, Ayurveda uses nature’s gift to heal and improve human health and one among such nature’s treasures is Castor Oil which is praised as a Master in Ayurvedic medicine. Wondering why? Let’s unlock the reasons.
Ayurveda – The Ancient Indian Science of Life
Originated in India more than 5000 years ago, Ayurveda meaning Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge) in Sanskrit, is the oldest yet still highly practised and trusted form of medicine system that is based on writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Known as the “Mother of All Healing,” Ayurvedic treatments are full of life and enable us to understand how to create a balance of mind, body, and soul by making lifestyle changes using natural resources.
Ayurveda comprises both internal and external treatments like Panchakarma (five detoxing therapies of the Ayurvedic restorative practice), Vamanan (medically-induced vomiting), Snehavasthy (enema), Nasyam (nasally administered treatments), Uzhichil or Abhyanga (oil massage), Lepanam (application of herbal paste), Shirodhara (pouring stream of medicated liquid), etc., And the ingredients that are used to make such treatments worth and beneficial include Ashwagandha, Triphala, Brahmi, Licorice root, Ajwain, Cumin, Cardamom, Neem, Haritaki, Shatavari, Turmeric, etc. which are infused into carrier oils like coconut oil, almond oil, mustard oil, sesame oil, and the most important one – Castor Oil which itself is full of healing properties due to which Castor (Arandi) has a special place in Ayurveda.
Castor Oil – The Miracle Oil
Known as Gandharvahasta Taila in Ayurveda, Castor oil is an essential ingredient with many beneficial properties. It is an ancient remedy used since pre-historic times to cure or improve conditions of the body from scalp to feet. Although used majority as a laxative to get relief from constipation, castor oil has proven to be the best remedy for treating various health issues like rheumatism, lumbago, hair fall, wrinkles, ovarian cysts, warts, menstrual discomforts, fungal infection, yeast infections, acne, ringworm, arthritis, piles, asthma and inflammatory nerves, eczema and psoriasis, bacterial infections, plague growth, etc.
Made from the pressed seeds or “beans” of the Ricinus communis plant native to India, East Africa, and the Mediterranean Basin, Castor oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, anti-rheumatic, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-allergic as well as can be used as an emmenagogue, insecticidal, immune stimulant, laxative, anthelmintic, rejuvenative medicine, anti-ageing agent, germicidal, disinfectant, and analgesic agent.
Due to the presence of (85 – 96%) ricinoleic acid in it, the usage of castor oil has expanded from mere household uses like as a food preservative, and beauty ingredient, to industries like paper, pharma, varnishes, coatings, paint, print, cosmetics, food, etc., No wonder, why it is called the miracle oil.
Ayurvedic Properties of Castor oil
The role of castor oil in Ayurveda is much more important and wider than you can imagine. Its function is to balance the primary functional energies in our bodies that are aligned with the elements of nature and among the three forces of energies known as the Doshas (Kapha – Vata – Pitta), it is best known to stabilize Vāta (space and air) and Kapha (water and earth) dishes.
Now, as per Ayurveda, castor oil possesses the following qualities:
- Tikta (i.e. bitter taste)
- Madhura Rasa (i.e. sweet taste)
- Five potent Gunas or qualities include Guru (i.e. heavy), Ushna (i.e. hot), Sara (i.e. flowing), Balyam (i.e. strength promoter), and Visram Gunas (i.e. foul-smelling qualities).
It shows a positive effect on the various Dhatus (i.e. body tissues) of the body including Rasa (i.e. Plasma), Rakta (i.e. Blood), Mamsa (i.e. Muscles), Asthi (i.e. Bones) and Shukra (i.e. Reproductive Fluids) and hence is used both internally and externally in Ayurvedic treatments as a purgative, moisturizer, pain-reliever, as well as in flushing the toxins out and in cooling the body down which thus aids in balancing the third Dosha Pitta (fire and water).
Thus, due to the many therapeutic benefits present in castor oil, it is used as a prime ingredient in the following Ayurvedic treatments:
- Vranahara – for treating wounds
- Shramahara – for relieving tiredness
- Krumihara – for getting rid of worms
- SuClaghama – for relieving pain
- Anila Shodhanama – for flushing out vata
- Rasayana – for reducing wrinkles
- Vardhamahara – for treating hernia
- Virechana – for constipation
- Gulmahara – for curing abdominal tumors and cysts
- Jawara Hara – for treating fever
- Kustha – for curing skin disorders
- Keshya – for correcting various hair problems
- Dahahara – for calming burning sensations
- Varnya – for improving complexion
Other than that, castor oil is used in the preparation of Ayurvedic soaps, oils, shampoo, lotion, and other skin and hair care products. While as far as its internal uses are considered it must be consumed only under the supervision of an Ayurvedic or medical health practitioner because it is a strong and effective medicine more than just oil.
In a Nutshell
Castor oil is ruling Ayurveda for ages and is going to do the same because there’s hardly any other oil so full of medicinal and beauty properties as it and we at Ambuja Solvex, are happy and proud to be manufacturing it in the purest form for it to serve as the most essential oil in Ayurvedic treatments. Take a tour of our site to know more about castor oil and its products.