Which oil regrows hair?

Since centuries, a woman with long, luscious and lustrous hair has been indisputably beautiful. For women, healthy hair is her ‘Crowning Glory’ and a symbol of her pride, self-esteem, and self-confidence. However, due to the modern lifestyle that comes with stress and ready-to-eat foods, plus the excessive use of chemically loaded shampoos and conditioners that promise instant results have degraded the quality of hair, particularly the hair texture and scalp.
To reverse this process of hair thinning, hair greying and to get rid of various types of scalp infections naturally, people are gradually shifting to natural remedies that help the scalp to restore its lost nutrients, thereby stimulating hair growth and bringing back its beautiful shine and smoothness. The oiling technique that is massaging your scalp with warm oil that kept our grandmother’s hair always healthy and long is again gaining popularity. For this reason, the organic and cold-pressed olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, red onion oil, castor oil, etc. are used by women today to nourish and thicken their hair.
However, with the presence of so many different types of oil and their multiple brands in the market, the question, ‘Which oil helps to regrow hair?’ is always there in a woman’s mind. Hence, before discussing the beneficial properties of oils, let us first understand how to select the right oil.
There are certain questions that you should attempt to answer before zeroing on the perfect oil that best suits your hair, like is your hair- dry, oily or normal? What is the kind of your hair growth? Will the oil along with providing nutrition to your scalp also moisturize your hair? And, most importantly, is the oil completely natural or consists of chemical additives or synthetic ingredients? On the basis of the answers that you get from these questions, you will be able to select the ideal oil for your hair type. Let us further go into the details about the types of oil that can regrow hair:
- 1. Coconut Oil
This is the magical oil that has been used since ages for various purposes owing to its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Once a week massage your scalp with warm coconut oil that helps to keep your scalp infection-free and properly moisturized. It also enhances the shine and lustre of your hair strands.
- 2. Jojoba Oil
Pollution, dirt, shampoo, hair masks, etc. can clog the pores of your scalp. Jojoba oil with its unique composition helps to get rid of the residue that slowly builds up on your scalp. This residue blocks the hair follicles and inhibits the normal growth process of your hair. Hence, jojoba oil is effective in clearing the scalp, moisturizing it and improving hair growth.
- 3. Argan Oil
Argan oil produced from the kernel of the argan tree is the oil native to Morocco. The oil is rich in anti-oxidants and it penetrates the hair shaft and provides deep nourishment. It is also rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin A which help in repairing the damaged hair.
- 4. Rosemary Oil
This oil is excellent to enhance blood circulation. You can mix 2 to 3 drops of rosemary oil in the carrier oil like coconut oil or castor oil, and then gently massage it on your scalp. Studies have shown that rosemary oil is effective for cellular generation and helps in re-growing the lost hair.
- 5. Red Onion Oil
If someone is suffering from hair thinning and scalp infections, then using red onion oil is the best thing. The oil is rich in sulphur which is the excellent ingredient to promote the growth of healthy hair, nourish hair follicles and minimize the hair breakage.
- 6. Castor Oil
Castor oil is the versatile oil which is known to heal wounds, strengthen hair, treat constipation, heal dry skin and enhance its glow. For hair, it is indeed a magic potion that helps to regrow hair at a fast pace, if used consistently and in the right quantity. It is important to understand how does castor oil regrow hair.
The oil is rich in ricinoleic acid and has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. When it is applied on the scalp, it boosts the blood circulation, speeds up the removal of toxins and helps the hair follicles to function properly. Also, castor oil is effective in inhibiting the hormone called prostaglandin that is commonly found in the people suffering from hair loss.
There are two prominent types of castor oil that helps to regrow hair:
- 1. Organic Cold-Pressed Castor Oil
This oil is extracted through the pressing of the seeds without the use of heat, or any solvents or chemicals. This process of extraction ensures that there is no loss of nutrients and one can fully reap the benefits of the oil.
- 2. Jamaican Black Castor Oil
This oil is dark brown to black in colour. To obtain this oil, the castor seeds are first roasted, then ground and boiled and thereafter they are cold-pressed. Due to the ash content in the oil, it is more effective than the cold-pressed castor oil. This oil is brilliant for treating bald spots, alopecia, hair thinning, dandruff, eczema, etc.
However, when you go to the market, be it a physical store or online store, you will get confused between the types of hair growth oils and their respective brands. Choose only the one that is purely extracted and is free of additives, parabens, and sulphates. Also, study in depth about your hair and scalp type to understand the kind of oil that will best suit your hair and promote its healthy growth.